Educational Products for the Family Wellness Chiropractor
All of our materials are designed to help parents understand the importance of Chiropractic Care for children and the value of preconception and prenatal care for women.
Monthly Practice Resources
Wellness Education Club | $30 per month
Join the club and educate your parent patients using the best educational resources available to the Family Wellness Practitioner!
12 issues of the Wellness Family Newsletter – value $120 per year
12 sets of “Did You Know’ e-educational materials – value $199 per year
4 issues of the Recipe for Wellness – value $100 per issue
(not available apart from Generations or the Wellness Education Club)
Total value: $719
At $30 per month – this is a savings of $359!
Also available annually for just $299 – a total savings of $420!
Take the best of Dr. Claudia Anrig’s educational resources and begin to share with your parent patients the wellness message. Every parent will benefit from the opportunity to learn about the latest in wellness lifestyle education in these eye-catching, colorful monthly resources.
Your Wellness Family Newsletter will be emailed directly to you monthly since it is personalized for your practice. The “Did You Know” materials and latest Recipe for Wellness are made available via your monthly Wellness Education Club e-Newsletter.
Click here to subscribe.
Wellness Family Newsletter | $120 per year
*included in Wellness Education Club above
With time, scientific research is bringing forth more and more information that confirms what Chiropractors have been saying for years about the family wellness lifestyle. The question to ask ourselves is how are we going to get that information to the public? The answer: The Wellness Family Newsletter!
- Provided once a month via email
- Personalized with your name and practice information
- Wellness Lifestyle Topics
- A strong call-to-action for change
- Chiropractic wellness message
- Timeless information
- Never dated
- Making you the wellness leader in your community
Our newsletters are educational without talking over the patient’s head. Using simple and straightforward information, not pushing the Chiropractic message but educating on the value of Chiropractic, these newsletters will help your parent patients recognize that you care for the whole family.
Each month you will receive your latest Wellness Family Newsletter personalized for your practice via email in a pdf. This newsletter can be printed, double-sided in color on white paper and handed out to your patients or sent via email as an attachment. Whatever way you choose to provide this material to your patients, they will benefit from this valuable education.
Previous issues are available to current subscribers of the Wellness Family Newsletter!
Download Sample Pre-Conception Newsletter | Download Sample Teething Newsletter | Click here to order.
The “Did You Know” Series | $199 per year
*included in Wellness Education Club above
This series was created to help doctors reach and teach their parent patients using the “e-language”. Be the resource teller for the parents in your practice using monthly contemporary info-bytes that keep them informed on the “latest” in family wellness. Each info-byte is supported with an educational practice handout.
Being a Family Wellness Chiropractor brings with it the responsibility of being a resource teller. The “Did you Know” Series is all about educating the parent and giving them valuable and useful information; not practice promotion.
By not overly pushing the Chiropractic message, the patient is more likely to view this every month and forward it to friends and family, promoting you as the Family Wellness Chiropractor in your community.
Each month you will receive an e-newsletter that will be your source for your latest “Did You Know” materials. They include a .jpg image for emailing and an educational flyer that answers the “Did You Know” question and includes a website where the patient can go to learn more. This flyer can either be displayed in your practice or used as an informational handout to give to patients. When displayed, many patients will take a picture of it with their phones to review the material later.
Download Infants and Chiropractic Sample Flyer | Download Pregnancy Sample Image | Click here to order
Recipe for Wellness | Exclusive to Generations and Wellness Education Club Members
Living the wellness lifestyle isn’t easy with the prevalent Western Diet and our instant society that wants everything fast – including our food.
This four-page newsletter was created to give the Family Wellness Chiropractor an easy way to share wellness lifestyle information with your patients.
Provided seasonally, the Recipe for Wellness, contains wellness education as well as healthy recipes that can be made with items found in the average home.
Designed to be printed on 11 x 17 paper and folded in half, the patient can tear off the back page and save the recipes as a single sheet or save the whole newsletter since it’s a great resource.
This service is not available for purchase alone but is an exclusive Generations benefit being made available as part of the Wellness Education Club.
Download a Recent Issue | Click here to order.
PowerPoint Packages
Each of these comprehensive programs includes the following:
A full color PowerPoint presentation with high-resolution graphics and photography, scientifically referenced
Educational handouts related to the topic
Sign-up sheets and fliers
Recommendations from Dr. Claudia Anrig on how best to utilize these remarkable programs
A Family Health Survey with questions related to the topic
And introducing a Wellness Model with a strong call-to-action for change

Why Your Child Needs Chiropractic Care | $249
This 130-slide PowerPoint presentation will help you teach parents why their child needs chiropractic care based on the current research and latest statistics regarding the three causes of vertebral subluxation: chemical, physical and emotional stressors.
This program includes handouts educating on vertebral subluxation, the windows of time in which care can be most effective for children and provides two pages of statistics. Along with a Family Health Survey to educate and encourage the parent to learn more, this PowerPoint includes everything you need to effectively educate on this important topic.
Available in digital download for just $99.
Click here to order.
The Wellness Pregnancy | $249
All about the positive, this PowerPoint package offers two versions of the Wellness Pregnancy.
The first version is a 56-slide presentation that shares the importance of diet, exercise and picking the right prenatal team. The second, extended version is 75 slides and includes scientifically-based pre-conception education.
This program comes complete with handouts, questionnaires and recommendation sheets for a healthier pregnancy.
Available in digital download for just $99.
Click here to order.

Printed Products
Pediatric Chiropractic Textbook – Third Edition | Free with a 1-Year Subscription to the Wellness Education Club (only $299 for the annual subscription) or with the purchase of the Newborn to Child Evaluation and Adjusting Technique DVD (only $170).
With its academic and clinical approach, the third edition of Pediatric Chiropractic provides the Family Wellness Chiropractor the tools they need to adjust infants, children and pregnant women with confidence. Through the cooperation of over 40 international experts, the third edition will include several new chapters and remain the leading resource for the Gonstead technique as a method for adjusting children and pregnant women.
Please note: the third edition is in progress and expected to be published in early Spring of 2022.
Enlarge Image | Click here to Subscribe to the Wellness Education Club or purchase the Adjusting Techniques DVD and reserve your copy of the third edition today. You will be contacted prior to the textbook shipping to confirm your purchase and approve the charge of $20 for shipping and handling.
Case History & Exam Sheets | $15
Use these double-sided forms to easily gather comprehensive data for the pediatric patient. The forms also serve as an educational tool because they communicate your philosophy of focusing on kids. (50 sheets per pad)
Enlarge Image | Click here to order.
A Series of Six Wellness Pamphlets | $99 for the entire set
An informational set of six pamphlets that defines wellness and its most common interferences as it pertains to each stage of childhood development and the role the Family Wellness Chiropractor plays. A great way to inform parents and their families while encouraging referrals. A total of 150 pamphlets per set. No substitutions.
SIX TITLES: The Wellness Pregnancy, The Wellness Infant, The Wellness Toddler, The Wellness Pre-Schooler, The Wellness School Child and the Wellness Teen.
Sold in packs of 25 per title. Also available for $20 each.
Enlarge Image | Click here to order.
Sensory Processing Disorder Pamphlet | $17 when purchased with the Wellness set
An educational pamphlet defining and explaining Sensory Process Disorder to parents. Helping parents understand the role a Family Wellness Chiropractor can play in their child’s wellness.
Sold in packs of 25. Also available for $20 each.
Enlarge Image | Click here to order.
Video Products

Newborn to Child Evaluation & Adjusting Techniques DVD | $170
With your personal, 70-minute, one-on-one video workshop Newborn to Child Evaluation and Adjusting Techniques you’ll get the latest pediatric evaluation and adjusting procedures used daily by Dr. Claudia Anrig in her own practice. It’s like having Dr. Claudia with you, taking you through each adjustment both visually and narratively. The video demonstrates adjustment techniques for every size hand.
Enlarge Image | Click here to order.
Welcoming Wellness DVD | $49
Pop Welcoming Wellness in your waiting room video player to give parents a clear understanding of the benefits of chiropractic care for their children. Designed for viewing by adult patients anticipating their own care, this motivating tape answers frequently asked questions such as why children need adjusting, the positive influences of chiropractic care on typical childhood disorders such as bedwetting, ear infection, asthma, and more.
Enlarge Image | Click here to order.