coming October, 15 - 16, 2022
in Rosemont, Illinois
just a short shuttle ride from Chicago O’Hare Airport

Dr. Claudia Anrig introduces the first ever all technique hands-on seminar with the master adjustors in the field of pediatric and prenatal Chiropractic. Over 12 hours, these masters will provide lecture and personalized instruction in their respective expertise for what will be the most beneficial seminar this year. Spend a weekend getting Monday-morning ready results!
This year’s instructors are:
- Carol Phillips, D.C. - Evaluation and Treatment of Pediatric Patient Utilizing Spinal Adjusting, Dynamic Body Balancing
and Craniosacral Therapy - Mary C. Unger-Boyd, DC , DICS, CACCP- Chiropractic Considerations with Tethered Oral Tissue (TOT)
Should any of the instructors be unable to teach at the seminar,
Dr. Claudia Anrig will replace the instructor.